World's Fastest Rapper [Guinness Primetime]

World's Fastest Rapper [Guinness Primetime]

Rap starts at 2:00. You can stop helping now.

This is the full presentation of Rebel XD's incredible performance on Fox's old show, Guinness World Records Primetime, which I feel was the greatest TV show Fox ever had. I previously had this recorded on VHS along with almost all the Guinness episodes.

I've lurked around the internet and I've found this similar video, but it was dubbed in Italian and it was cut short so we would only see Rebel XD's performance, so I decided to put the entire segment, from Chris Collinsworth's intro, to the Court Reporter's hilarious take on the rap. Enjoy.

Rebel XD's youtube profile:

For more Guinness clips, check this playlist out:

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